
Fableman Tarren overhears your comment and leans over from his table to yours.

Fantasy, Jeremiah? Wish it were so. Keen be running through dungeons, are you? Dragons? Fairy tales. 

This be the Realm Of The Deepwood now. Been out there past city walls at night, have you? You've both legs and what seems a whole mind, so I doubt it. I've been there. I've walked along the Wire Road, I have. Razorvine. Ravagers. Have you not heard of the Scar Tribes? 

I've a scar of a slash on my calf wide enough to stick your thumb in. What from? Don't know. The Deepwood. The Deepwood hungers. 

I've seen the things in the woods. Big as houses. Dark as death. 

Your wife. You want to take your wife along. I'm hoping you've no children. This is no place for them. If you and the lass head to the woods... Well, I hope your children are prepared to be just so many more orphans crying in the streets. 

Dungeons. Heh. The wood holds the terror, not some safe stone dungeon. Dragons. Were that the things out there that kind, Jeremiah. 

Intrigue. Now that, Jeremiah. Aye, that there is.

My throat runs dry now. You'll buy me that next drink for me saving you the terror of stepping out the walls now, won't you, Jeremiah?